Fig. 2: from Sigmund Freud, ‘On Narcissism: An Introduction.’ (1914) The Standard Edition of the Complete Works of Sigmund Freud (London: Vintage, 2001) vol.14 p.90

A person may love:

(1) According to the narcissistic type:

a) what he himself is (i.e. himself),

b) what he himself was,

c) what he himself would like to be,

d) someone who was once part of himself.

(2) According to the anaclitic (attachment) type:

a) the woman who feeds him,

b) the man who protects him,

and the succession of substitutes who take their place.



Freud designates the two lists above as "the paths leading to the choice of an object [i.e. a love-object]." (ibid. p.87)

The first published use of the term Anlehnungstypus, which means (in the translation edited by Strachey) "anaclitic type," is in Freud’s ‘On Narcissism: An Introduction’ p.87. Strachey adds a footnote: "It should be noted that the ‘attachment’ (or ‘Anlehnung’) indicated by the term is that of the sexual instincts to the ego-instincts, not of the child to its mother." Freud: "The sexual instincts are at the outset attached to the satisfaction of the ego-instincts [e.g. the instinct for self-preservation, for the satisfaction of hunger, for warmth and protection; and later for less strictly physical forms of defence, etc.]" (ibid.) The English word derives from the Greek verb meaning "to lean back, recline." Strachey chose the derivation "anaclitic" because of the grammatical analogy of this neologism to the English "enclitic." The OED gloss for Anlehnungstypus is "leaning-on type," "a person whose choice of a ‘love-object’ is governed by the dependence of the libido on another instinct, e.g. hunger." A more up-to-date definition for the purposes of this paper might be "laid back type."


What's the Ugliest Part of your Market-researched Anaclitic-affect Repertoire? [Franz Zappa als Anlehnungstypuskritik]