View MERZ NITE collages

There was also the presence of artist L.T. GRAY at the collage table (her comment on the MERZ NITE MUSIC puts all the disappointed culture "consumers" to shame: "putting all this together [for the collages] needed a lot of concentration, and I think I was helped by the music - I'd never heard anything quite like it, there was constant anticipation of something about to happen, but when? and how loud would it be? you never knew)." Lynda's efforts resulted in two of our favourite postcards ...

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There were also many intriguing anonymous collages, anyone recognise these?

This above is by Esther....


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New-Jersey-based esemplasticist Paul Minotto sent this:

And this is what Eleanor Crook made at the RCA the previous Tuesday. The first appears to be a portrait of Simon H. Fell and his bass violin.


Though we think the last one may be by Than.

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These other ones are gathered here from the rest of the MERZ NITE website. We haven't got space for more than a few, consult the MERZ NITE box at the V&A Library if you want to get close to all the postcards.

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OUT TO LUNCH's Stonehenge Series - this way....

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